For remote access to library resources, login with your EZproxy username and password.
You can register for an EZproxy Remote Access Account here if you do not already have one.
This access point is for National Capital Region personnel working at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center or A. T. Augusta Military Medical Center. Other DHA personnel should refer to the DHA Virtual Medical Library.
For assistance, please contact your institution's library:
Darnall Medical Library (301-295-1185 or 301-295-1184)
Medical Library, A. T. Augusta (571-231-2540 or 571-231-3721)
Note: Cookies must be enabled on your computer to ensure access. For some access problems, clear the Internet browser's cookies and cache. Close and restart the browser. Follow this link for additional information.
If you are still having trouble retrieving an article, please please let us know. Be sure to include the citation for the article / book you're trying to access, and how you were trying to access it. It helps if you tell us which browser you're using as well.